Alviso Residents

As part of the Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) of agencies in Santa Clara County, Sunnyvale Community Services serves low-income residents of the Alviso neighborhood of San Jose. With funding from Santa Clara County, SCS is working in collaboration with local nonprofits and faith-based organizations to reach out to the Alviso community. SCS assists Alviso families in crisis with financial assistance and referrals to help prevent homelessness.
Alviso Success Story*
Although José lived from paycheck to paycheck, he was never homeless. But, when the house he had been living in was condemned by San Jose City Code Enforcement, José found himself living on the streets. Soon he lost his job and found himself in debt, owing money on utility bills at his old, condemned apartment, and struggling to figure out how to get out of this predicament. Fortunately, José heard about Sunnyvale Community Services, and with the help of his case manager, he got referrals to a number of support services, including UPLIFT, the California Lifeline Program, CalFresh/Medical, and Santa Clara County’s General Assistance Program.
After several meetings, Sunnyvale Community Services agreed to pay his utility bills and erase the lingering debt. Shortly after, his old building was re-opened and he was able to move back in. He found part-time work, enough to pay his bills and get out of the cold.
José is thankful for access to nutritious food through the Star of the Sea Monthly Family Harvest Distribution and volunteer work with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley. He told his case manager that he is “grateful for the assistance and will do what I can to not be in the similar situation again. Sleeping in a park for 3 weeks was enough.”
*The name has been changed to protect the privacy of our client
Get Help
1160 Kern Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Main: 408.738.4321
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 12:30 - 4:00 PM
Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of the month
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
TAX ID 94-1713897