Food & Nutrition

Food insecurity exists in Sunnyvale!
Sunnyvale Community Services (SCS) works in close partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley and other generous donors to provide families and individuals with nutritious food and resources to increase food security and reduce hunger in our local community.
Sunnyvale Community Services Food Assistance Programs are designed to improve the health and well-being of our community through equitable access to healthy and nutritious foods, community resources and advocacy.
Program Eligibility:
1. Sunnyvale Residency
2. Extremely Low to Low Income
Food Assistance Programs
Weekly Food Program
Our Weekly Food Program offers a variety of pre-bagged seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nutritious grocery staples such as meat, milk, eggs, rice, beans, canned food items and more.
Each Wednesday SCS hosts a drive-through food distribution from 9:00am-6:00pm, when enrolled households can receive groceries and fresh produce. Households may access the food program via walk-up station if utilizing alternatives modes of transportation. A weekly allocation of diapers and baby wipes is available to eligible households.
Home Food Delivery
SCS Home Delivery Program provides supplemental groceries to enrolled households who are unable to access on-site services due to physical, mental or cognitive impairment and have no alternative support to continue accessing food support services.
Enrolled households are eligible to receive home food deliveries twice (2X) a month. Trained volunteer drivers will deliver a specialized assortment of groceries, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and packaged ready-to-heat meals.
Unhoused Self Select Pantry
The self-select pantry’s primary goal is to provide our unhoused neighbors experiencing food insecurity the opportunity to shop for specific food choices to suit their individual needs.
In addition to the scheduled Wednesday distribution, enrolled clients are permitted to visit the self-select pantry twice (2X) a week. Upon their visits, clients select items such as toiletries, laundry soap and food that is easy to open and requires minimal preparation.
School Snack Pantry
In partnership with seven (9) Sunnyvale schools, SCS provides a variety of nutritious snacks to ensure that students can focus on learning, rather than worrying about hunger. The goal of this partnership is to ensure that student challenges are immediately addressed if attributed to food insecurity. Families are then connected to SCS for additional supportive services.
Get Help
1160 Kern Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Main: 408.738.4321
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 12:30 - 4:00 PM
Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of the month
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
TAX ID 94-1713897